Kino Lefter

60 - Uncut Gems feat. Tyler from Alberta Advantage

Abdul Malik, Laura Kruse, and Evan MacDonald Episode 60

While Abdul is off making a movie, Evan and Laura watched the new Safdie Brothers flick Uncut Gems and it was 100% legal.

Tyler (@georgefrowny) from Alberta Advantage and format_guardian rejoins the show to discuss why we loved this movie so much, the relationship between debt and violence, gambling under neoliberalism, and the one time Laura became Scrooge McDuck at Braden's house.


Evan: F1 2019 (PS4)
Laura: (1) Upcoming leftist D&D podcast appearance and (2) Revolution Selfie at the Metro Cinema. (Ticket Info here)
Tyler: Pornographic Seizures by Sanguisugabogg