Kino Lefter

Cane Fire: A Conversation With The Filmmakers

Abdul Malik, Laura Kruse, and Evan MacDonald

Director of Third Shift and Pure Flix and Chill: The David A.R. White Story (mentioned on our Unplanned episode) Anthony Banua-Simon and Producer Mike Vass sit down with us in the Socially Isolated Digital Studio to discuss their latest film, Cane Fire, premiering at the 2020 Hot Docs International Film Festival, streaming May 28 - June 24.

Cane Fire tells a story about the exploitation of land, people, and stories in Kauaʻi over several generations. Using archival footage, older films whose propaganda is painfully clear, and personal footage shot in Kaua'i interviewing family, workers, and the powerful, Cane Fire weaves together the exploitation of the sugar industry, declining union power, settler colonialism, and the Hollywood machine to "create a kaleidoscopic portrait of the economic and cultural forces that have cast Indigenous and working-class residents as “extras” in their own story." 

There's also a real estate guy named, I shit you not, *Chad Deal* in this movie. You'll want to stick around for that. 
